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Obstacles & Hardships

As per the first passage, Shin’ichi stated that although our lives may be filled with suffering and hardship, genuine happiness can be found through our efforts to challenge and overcome every obstacle based on faith.

Life is a series of ongoing challenges. Every individual has their own set of problems – big or small is subjective. Some may have financial concerns, while others may be facing some problems in the family or some illness or could even be job related concerns.

How we respond to unexpected events is extremely crucial. There are multiple ways of looking at it.

Do we accept such events as misfortune and give up?

Do we try to avoid the problem and wait for time to resolve it?

Do we resent our struggles and blame them on others or on our environment?

Or do we confront obstacles head-on and transform them as opportunities for further growth?

Nichiren Buddhism teaches us that there is utmost value in the latter response. Our faith and practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo enables us to take on all hardships and challenges as the fuel for strengthening our resolve and abilities.

Daishonin clearly states that when we exert ourselves earnestly in accord with the correct teaching and work for kosen-rufu, the obstacles and devils are certain to arise and challenge us.

It is important for us to be fully aware that there will be negative forces trying to stop us from achieving our goal. That is the time to continue with our faith and determination to overcome those obstacles and forge ahead not letting the negativity defeat you.

By persevering in faith through every obstacle and battling against the devilish functions, we can transform our karma and achieve a state of absolute happiness. In other words, to struggle against hardship is the direct path to our personal development and elevating our state of life. It is a springboard that leads to our human revolution.


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