90% of the people plan 90% things in their head – “I’m going to do this”, “I’m going to learn this”, “I’m going to meet so and so friend” etc etc. But how many times does that “going to” get converted into “oh I finally did it”?
Don’t want to sound philosophical but I truly believe that life is a journey that often seems longer in our minds than it actually is. We spend so much time planning, dreaming, and waiting for the perfect moment to take action that we forget one crucial truth — life is too short.
There are so many instances, which I am sure we all have gone through – want to start something on your own and follow your passion but there is so much anxiety and fear of what if this doesn’t work out, how will I manage financially etc. or there are times when we think about a friend but then don’t end up calling or reaching out and why do we resent it…because there is some grudge that we hold.
We need to realize that time waits for no one so it’s important to live every moment to its fullest. Procrastination is a thief of our time and our dreams. It ends up convincing us that there will always be a tomorrow to start that project, to reach out to a loved one, or to take that leap of faith.
But what if tomorrow never comes? What if we wake up one day with a heart full of regrets for all the things we never dared to do? Everything is about being in the NOW…in the present. We have all heard Kungfu Panda’s famous dialogue “Yesterday was History, Tomorrow is Mystery, Today is a Gift of God and that’s why it’s called PRESENT.”
Appreciate and have gratitude for every moment of your life. Be like flowing water. Let go of your grudges and grievances. It’s not only about forgiveness; it’s about freeing yourself from the burden of negativity. Why impact your inner peace and joy by holding on to anger when we can create space for happiness, love and compassion.
Each one of us has their own journey of challenges and victories so don’t waste time in comparing yourself with others because you really don’t know what the other person is going through.
Life is too short to waste time on trivial things and materialistic desires. And I don’t mean to become a saint and give up everything in life but don’t make that your priority and the most important thing in your life. It’s the little things in life that you need to enjoy.
Embracing the beauty of now is not just a choice; it's a way of life that brings fulfillment, purpose, and happiness. Don’t be in that 90% league who just keeps thinking about things and plan but never implements it. Focus on working towards coming into that 10% category.
May not be easy initially but try it. I did and while I am surely a work in progress, I can see the change and people around me see it too. Trust yourself and do share your experience.