There is a beautiful song by Fearless Soul which I totally relate to – I AM ME.
I love the way I am because I am ME.
I don’t want to follow a trend but start a trend because I am ME.
I listen to my mind but follow my heart because I am ME.
I choose what I want to do with my life, my career, my passion because I am ME.
I make my own decisions sometimes right sometimes not so right and take complete accountability of it because I am ME.
I am sensitive towards people; I get emotional very easily and I am completely ok with that because I am ME.
I laugh, I sing, I dance, and I get excited with little things because I am ME.
I like to do certain things which others may not approve of and that’s fine because it’s MY CHOICE and there is no scope for BCJ (Blaming, Complaining, Justifying).
I am empowered. I do whatever I want because I am ME and I take complete responsibility of it.
I choose my Queenship because I am ME.
What do you choose?