We are not talking about age here when we say “youth” or “being young”.
There is a very interesting line - The heart of a courageous person is youthful, and it is only with youthful courage that dynamic growth can be achieved.
Youthful means to be committed to a great vow, a great purpose and then to strive towards that ideal, ceaselessly challenging and developing oneself along the way.
Youthful means to possess an uncompromising sense of justice that refuses to condone wrongdoing.
Youthful means courageous and bold action towards people in need and fight with a valiant spirit.
So when you are dedicated towards kosen rufu and the happiness of others, you in turn are accumulating good fortune, which makes us feel more positive, energetic and healthy.
We have often said this to each other – age is just a number, we should feel young at heart. As we embrace Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and forge ahead with joy and enthusiasm, we are sure to feel younger and more vibrant.
We always have this fear of aging and facing new obstacles. When do we start feeling old? When they feel this is it…can’t do any more or lose the spirit and energy and most importantly live in the past.
With a positive attitude, you will be victorious in anything you do. I will share an example of my mum who I would like to call the Cancer Conqueror and not a Survivor. Her never-give-up spirit and high life force helped her recover faster, stay positive and feel that this was just a minor obstacle, but I have some exciting times ahead. That’s what keeps us young.
The person who continues to grow remains youthful.