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Boot Time

When 1 sleep at night, there are multiple thoughts that I have in terms of how my day was, what all happened, things that I experienced, and I start analysing what went right or what could have been done in a different way.

Now when I wake up in the morning, once again there are thoughts in my sub conscious mind. This ranges from what happened the day earlier, things that I need to do, which includes going to the gym.

So what I do is when I wake up, I first chant for around 7-10 mins. This helps me clear my mind and start a new day with more positivity and energy. Of course, there are some crazy days when I have to rush to work because I am late and there are some days when I just wake up and stare in oblivion (zone out).

Between all this I have realized, rebooting yourself every single day is extremely important as it eases out your stress and calms you down. I do that through vigorous chanting both in the morning as well as before sleeping.

What about you?


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